
Showing posts from January, 2019

Flashback Friday - 1838 First Public Demonstration Of The Telegraph

Today, is an endless vortex of communications.  We have land lines, fax machines, cell phones, texting, Skype, Facetime, satellites and streaming media to name a few.  But it all started with some wire and an idea.  Almost 200 years ago Samuel Morse gave his first public demonstration of the telegraph on January 11th 1838. Source: Wikipedia Samuel Morse invented and patented the Telegraph in 1837.  He came up with the concept and code known as Morse Code to be able to send messages over a wire with electricity.  He encoded the alphabet and numbers with dots and dashes that could then be sent with one telegraph key and received by another. Source: Wikipedia This was the first method of communication that was instantly received on the other side.  Before this invention all communications came by letter or messenger.  On this day in 1838, Morse demonstrated his invention at Speedwell Ironworks close to Morristown NJ.  He sent a mess...