"Why Do" Wednesday - Why Do Some Men's Button Up Shirts Have A Loop On The Back?

Have you ever wondered why some men's button up shirts have that little loop on the back?  Well today you will have the answer.  Short answer is it is used to hang it on a hook to prevent wrinkles.  But when did that start?

Well many say it all started with sailors.   When you are crammed on a small ship, they don't exactly give you a walk in closet or even a closet for that matter.  You may be lucky to have a little locker.  So they improvised and put these hooks on the back of their shirts so they didn't need hangers.  They could simply hang the shirt in their locker.

This trend later became mainstream in the 1960's when many companies started putting them on their shirts.  They called them locker loops.  Businessmen and the elite could go work out and hang their shirts in the locker to keep them nice an wrinkle free.

Later on these loops even evolved into a dating symbol.  A guy would cut them off to show he was going steady with someone.  It even got so crazy that women would rip these off of boys shirts to get their attention.  Somehow that doesn't make me think I'd like to date someone who puts holes in my nice shirt.  Must not have been a game changer because I don't see that happening today!

At any rate, now days not all shirts have them, but if one of yours does, it makes a nice quick little hanger for your locker or maybe bathroom towel hook?



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