"Why Do" Wednesday - Why Do We Yawn...?

It happens to all of us, young and old, short and tall. When that late afternoon hits and then the yawning frenzy begins. Sometimes or should I say many times we yawn when we feel tired.  But why is it the body has the need to do this?  Why do we yawn?!

There are many theories as to why we yawn. Like many things about the human body, science can't quite explain it or just have theories and no real answers.  So here are some of the theories:

  • We yawn because our brain needs oxygen
    • This has been a theory for some time, but there is no real evidence this is the case
  • We yawn to cool the brain
    • Some theories are this is the way the brain regulates temperature.  When we yawn we draw in are to cool the bottom of the brain stem and cool our head down.
  • We yawn to wake ourselves up
    • Theory is that yawning is the bodies counter measure to wake itself up when too tired.  By the body doing this, it causes muscles to contract and blood to flow waking you up.
  • We yawn when bored
    • Maybe it's a way to keep our brain entertained when it needs some stimulation?
  • We yawn to equalize pressure in the inner ear
    • Yawning can be a good way to "pop" your ears after a flight, but this probably is a cause of yawning

The real reason still isn't known, but my thoughts are it is probably caused by multiple things and not all yawns are for the same reason.

One crazy thing about yawning is it is contagious.  If  you see or hear someone yawn, you will most like get the urge too.  Theory is that it is a social habit and that is why it spreads in social situations.  Studies have shown that children under 5 don't have the effects of social yawning since they have not developed social skills yet.

At any rate, we all need to yawn and it sure feel like a good relief when we do it.  So yawn away my friends!



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