How To be Successful in Your Job

As they say money can't buy happiness... Well, maybe it can and maybe it can't, but one thing is certain, we all need money to live and provide for the things we need or want.  Our jobs are what can accomplish that.  So I was thinking about what things can make you successful in your job.  These are some things that have helped me throughout the years.

  1. Work Smarter, Not Harder
  2. Go Beyond Your Own Job Description
  3. Ask Your Boss If There Are Any Tasks That Need Addressed
  4. Look For Any Gaps In Coverage That You Could Fill
  5. Respond To Emails And/Or Texts
  6. Have Open Dialog With Your Boss About Career Goals
  7. Recognize Others

1. Work Smarter, Not Harder
This doesn't mean that you don't need to work hard, but you should work more efficient.  If you are able to get the same job done as others but in shorter time, you are more valuable to your employer.  This also doesn't mean you can't do a good job.  You still need to do good work and maybe even better than others.  Find ways to optimize your time and get the task done quickly without wasting time on other activities. Find ways to be more efficient in the things you do.

2. Go Beyond Your Own Job Description
You have to be careful with this one since you don't want to intrude on others.  So this doesn't mean you do someone else's job or step on anyone else's toes.  What it does mean is be willing to help others get things done or do something that isn't necessarily part of your job.  Helping others is really helping yourself since many times we rely on others also.  This will also create more of a team environment and will help you be a more productive asset to your employer. 

3. Ask Your Boss If There Are Any Tasks That Need Addressed
Volunteering for tasks that no one else is willing or able to do will show your boss you are willing to go that extra mile.  Come performance review time you will be able to stand out above those around you and in a good way.  It will also show your boss you can be a go to kind of person and chances are they will bring you other tasks that may be more satisfying.  Just be sure to do them well!

4. Look For Any Gaps In Coverage That You Could Fill
As with asking your boss for extra tasks, you can also take the initiative to analyze your surroundings and look for things or areas you can help with.  Look for things you can do with your skill set to improve your company's objectives.  You can also look for any gaps and learn a skill to fill that gap.

5. Respond To Emails And/Or Texts
Communication is key to success.  Some jobs require lots of emails to get daily tasks done.  Others may have no email, but maybe you get calls or texts.  Key thing is to be responsive.  Even if it is simply responding to a text or email saying you are looking into the request.  This let's the person know you got the email and acknowledges you are working on it.  It can be very frustrating on the others side wondering if your request is getting any action.  It shows people their concerns are your concerns and you care about their success.  Be sure to follow up and give updates if the request is taking longer than expected.  It is better to be proactive rather than waiting for them to reach out to you again.

6. Have Open Dialog With Your Boss About Career Goals
It's important to have goals, but even more important to make those goals and aspirations known to your boss.  Having these discussions with your boss helps you and them align your work to achieve those goals.  You can't sit back and expect your boss to know what your goals and then give you the things you need to get there.  They need to know and understand so they can give them to you. This can also help when new projects/tasks become available, you could be the first pick since your boss knows this could help you achieve your goals.  It is very important that you are a reliable person and worker so they want to bring you those tasks!

7. Recognize Others
Give credit where credit is due!  No one likes it when someone else takes credit for their hard work.  On the flip side, people LOVE to get praise and acknowledgement for their hard work.  It is a balancing act of showing your own strengths while also giving credit to others.  Obviously you don't want to make others look way better than you, but you do want to make sure they get the credit for their contributions.  This will show you employer you are a good team player and able to successfully collaborate with other people or teams.  Also as you work with people, they will be more willing to help with things when you need it.

It really comes down to being a reliable person that works well with others.  You need to make yourself stand out and be an asset to your employer.  Find ways to leverage your skill set or learn new skills to be valuable and sought after.



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