Tantrum Tuesday - Slow Drivers

To start things off, I consider myself a "good" driver, but that doesn't mean I like to drive slow.  I like to stay pretty close to the speed limit and be cautious, but one thing drives me crazy, SLOW drivers!  I'm talking those people that go well below the speed limit and stay in the passing lane so no one can go around them.

I understand there are some older folks and cautious people, but what really drives me crazy are people who are just oblivious to their surroundings or are on their phones.  I saw some dude literally watching a show on his phone as he drove.  Or the lady doing her make-up while she drives.  

My issue is that if you want to drive slow, stay in the right lane and allow normal people to go around you.  Also when people pull out in front of you and then drive super slow causing you to slam on your brakes.  They could have just waited 2 seconds for me to pass, but instead choose to pull out in front of me and drive like a tortoise.

On the flip side, it drives me crazy when I am driving fast and people fly by be like I'm standing still.  Let's all just drive around the speed limit and be courteous drivers!

Now I feel better...! :)



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