Top 10 Best Ways To Eat A Potato

So I grew up an Idaho boy.  I think just about every meal had some form of potato in it.  Even the milk we had delivered (I'm not that old, but did have milk delivered...) had potato flakes in it.  I can say potatoes are still one of my favorite sides and meals ever!  So thought I would list some of the best ways to cook and eat potatoes.  Although I may  have a hard time picking these!

10. Potato Chip
Now I have never made home made potato chips, but I think I will sometime.  Potato chips are a go to snack and a tasty one at that!  There are just endless options and flavors for every pallet.  Although these are good, I don't consider them to satisfy the connoisseur of a great potato dish. At any rate, grab a bag of your favorite fried (or baked) little potato slices and enjoy!

9. Potato Salad
Done right, this can be a tasty side for many BBQ or gathering.  The recipes are endless and the flavors sublime.  This is for sure one way to put the potato on the map!

8. French Fries
Can come as a side to your favorite burger or just a tasty late night snack.  French fries are one of the favorite ways to eat potatoes.  Some may say it could be #1, but for me as a native Idaho potato boy, it doesn't make it that far.  Don't get me wrong, they are delicious and you can add toppings to make them even better, but still lack the that flare.  More or less they have become common place.

7. Tater Tots
Similar to the fry, these little fried nuggets of goodness are definitely worth the mention.  I think what gives these the edge over fries for me is the crispy moist nature they have.  Also just love to pop them into my mouth.  They can be used in casseroles or just eaten on the side.  

6. Potato Wedges
Following in the footsteps of their cousins the fry and the tater tot, wedges bring that potato spirit to the next level.  They are best baked with your favorite seasoning on them and can be dipped in your favorite sauce. When baked they are on the healthier side, but can still make you feel you are not missing out.

5. Potatoes Au Gratin
Now we are starting to get to the good stuff!  Potatoes Au Gratin is one of my favorite ways to eat potato.  So hot, buttery and packed with flavor.  Also pretty easy to make from a box :)

4. Mashed Potatoes
Now this one is one of my favorites.  Those light, buttery, fluffy potato clouds of tastiness.  Even better is some nice hot home made gravy on top.  Now that is potato heaven!  You can mix in seasonings and things like cheese.  Or just mix in a ranch packet and presto, you have ranch mashed potatoes.  Yummmmy!

3. Potato Hash
Hash browns, home fries and hash are one of my favorites.  They can go with breakfast or dinner.  You can just fry up some hash browns or you can make a full on hash with meat and other things mixed in like onions, peppers and mushrooms.   One of my favorites hash meals is cheesy hash brown casserole.  However you like it, this one definitely hits the top!

2. Stuffed Potato Skins
Some people throw that skin out, but not me.  That is one of my favorite parts, especially if it's got a little crisp to it.  You can load up those skins with the works like cheese, sour cream, bacon, onions, peppers or anything else you fancy.  This is one potato side to take on the rest!

1. Baked Potato
Man where to I start.  This is my number one!  Similar to the potato skin, but more potato and more toppings loaded on.  You can add chili, cheese, onion, olive, chive, bacon, sour cream and on and on.  Then that burst of flavor just explodes in your mouth.  For that reason this hits the top of my list.  I can never go wrong with this one!  It is my go to potato meal!



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