Thankful Thursday - Refrigeration

No matter how our day is going we can always find something to be thankful for.  So every Thursday, I will put something that I am thankful for.

Today I am thankful for refrigeration.  Now this really encompasses two things:
  1. Fridges/Freezers to keep things cold and/or frozen
  2. Air conditioning

1. Fridge/Freezer
How amazing is it that we can store food for longer times and keep beverages so nice and cold.  I just love me a nice ice cold soda on a hot day.  Or how about some ice cream for a bad day?  Looking back at the days that this technology didn't exist makes me wonder how did they ever survive?!  Food would spoil much sooner, we couldn't eat our tasty frozen treats, and we never have cold soda or other beverage of choice...!  That is no way to live.  So needless to say, I am thankful for this!

2. Air Conditioning
Air conditioning is a must where I live in the desert.  When temps surge to 120 deg it ain't no joke!  So having that AC in your home and car is CRITICAL!  For at least 4 months out of the year I am very thankful for this one.  Having AC at home, car and work really saves the day.  So lets give a shout out to the invention of refrigeration!

Whatever it may be, we can always be thankful for something.  So if your day is going bad, stop, think and find something to be grateful for.  You'd be surprised what you find!



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