Thankful Thursday - Fruit

Now I know this seems like a simple lame thing to be thankful for, but could you imagine for a moment what the world would be like with no fruit?  There are so many kinds and flavors.  Some are simply amazing and others not so much.

Fruit adds so much beauty and joy to life.  I really could not imagine never eating a piece of fruit again... So to show how thankful I am, here are some of my favorite fruits!

I love almost any kind of berry!  Raspberries for sure are my favorite though.  You can just eat them fresh or make some delicious pies or put them in ice-cream.  They are just delicious!

Melon (Cantaloupe/Watermelon)
I love me all the melons too!  Nothing can be more refreshing that some crispy, juicy, cold and sweet watermelon.  Or soft sweet cantaloupe with some salt (some may hate it, but I love it on melon!).

Whether you are a green grape person or a red grape person, one thing is certain.  They are so tasty.  I like both, but prefer red grapes myself.  There is nothing like getting a batch of grapes and trying the first one that is crunchy, juicy and sweet where it just pops in your mouth!  I think I might need to go get me some grapes now... lol

Ok, now this fruit is one of those things that I just love because of tradition.  Don't get me wrong, they are delicious once you get the fruit out... lol  But these hold a special place in my heart since when I was a kid my grandmother always gave these to us on Halloween.  It is one of my favorite memories of Halloween as a kid.  We also went to her neighborhood to trick or treat and I loved  getting a toothbrush from the dentist that was one of her neighbors... ha ha!

Lychee Fruit
Lychee (variously spelled litchi, liechee, liche, lizhi or li zhi, or lichee) is a small fruit that has a fleshy covered seed encased in a thin spiny shell.  They kind of taste similar to a grape, but have their own uniqueness.  These are hard to find in the US, but from time to time you can get them at the store.  Very tasty!!!

Dragon Fruit
This is another exotic fruit found more in topical areas, but have been seeing it more at the grocery stores lately.  It is called dragon fruit because, well it's outside resembles dragon scales... It's inner flesh is soft and sweet with a really mild flavor.  If you see one at the store you should give it a try.  One of my favorites!

So I could go all day with the many many fruits that are just amazing, but wanted to just share a few. No matter how bad your day is going, just grab a piece of your favorite fruit, sit back enjoy and let your worries fade.



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