"Why Do" Wednesday - Why Do We Get Ringing In The Ears?

Your sitting there and all of the sudden the carol of the bells is going off in your ears. I think this has probably happened to almost every person, even if for just a moment.   So why does this happen?

First off the condition is called Tinnitus.  The most common cause is from noise induced hearing loss.  This accounts for roughly 90% of cases.  Prolonged exposure to loud noises can cause permanent damage to the cochlea, a spiral-shaped organ in the inner ear. But there are other causes, some of which can just be temporary.

Other Causes:
  • Age related hearing loss
  • A single exposure to a loud noise can also cause it to happen. Can be permanent or temporary.
  • Too much ear wax
  • Certain medications such as: Asprin, Antidepressants, Antibiotics, NSAIDs, and Cancer Drugs
  • Ear and Sinus infections
  • TMJ
  • Blood Pressure
The scientific reason is still mostly unknown.  One theory is it could be because the brain tries to fill in the gaps in the absence of sound causing a nerve overload per say.  Kind of like when you put a microphone up to a speaker and every little sound gets amplified more and more until it squeals.  But the real reason remains a mystery.

However, anything that interferes with the sensitive tiny hairs in your ear, masks the nerve sensitivity, or damages the cochlea can cause the ringing.  It could be temporary or could last for the rest of your life depending on the damage that occurred to your ear system.   So maybe lay off the heavy metal for a bit...



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