Fun Day Monday - If You Could Be A Super Hero, Which One Would You Be?

Growing up I always loved super hero shows and movies.  Back then there were the classics like Batman and Superman.  Well in recent years, the super hero movie train has been going full bore!  The rivalry between DC and Marvel is a battle of the super heroes in it's own right.  As much as I enjoy the Marvel movies more than DC, I have to say, they are all pretty fantastic.  They have taken super heroes to the next level with all the movies and TV Shows.

So which would I be?  Well, to me the best super hero of all time is Superman.  I have this debate with one of my sons quite often about who is better; Superman or Batman...?  He loves Batman and we have a good back and forth about it.  But I always win because Superman has powers and Batman doesn't... lol

So why would I choose Superman?  Well the better question is why wouldn't I?  Let's just summarize his powers...

1. He's bullet proof!  Even a bullet to the eye...

2. He can fly.  Need I say more?

3. He shoots freaking lasers from his eyes!  No need for Lasik, heck he could probably even perform lasik surgery!

4. He can freeze stuff with his breath.  Need a cold soda? Never fear, Superman is here!

5. He is super super strong!  Not only can he stop bullets, but he can pretty much pick anything up.  Even as a kid!

6. He has x-ray vision!  Can find a bad guy anywhere, no hiding from him!

7. He has super hearing.  Can hear a problem from very far away.

8. Super human speed!  I mean he can keep up with the flash...

9. Super vocal abilities including ventriloquism

10. And finally, he just has good hair... Who can argue with that?

All in all, Superman is pretty bad A!  Those are his major powers, but he also has a bunch more minor things like super intelligence, absorbing the suns power, he can't get sick, super hypnosis, super memory, pretty much take any human trait and put the word super in front of it... Now he does have one main weakness which is kryponite. It pretty much makes him human and can kill him in large doses, but luckily it is in short supply.  So good luck to any bad guy without it!



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