Tasty Tuesday - Try These Tasty Home Made Egg Noodles

If you love noodles, you will love these home made egg noodles and best of all, they are pretty easy to make.  You can add them to any soup, but for me I love to make a chicken noodle gravy and put them over mashed potatoes, an old family tradition.

So how do you make these bad boys?  Very simple...

  • 4 Eggs
  • 3-4 Cups of Flower
  • 1 tbsp Salt
Tools Needed:
  • Mixer
  • Pizza Cutter
  • Noodle Cutter


1. Mix the dough
First step is to crack your eggs into your mixing bowl.  I like to use a Kitchen Aid mixer, but any stand mixer will work.  You can mix by hand, but is quite tiring.  I like to use duck eggs from my ducks, but any eggs will work.  You can see below they are much bigger plus I like the richness.

Next add some Salt, about 1 tbsp...

Now you can start mixing and slowly add in the flower.  This part is kind of a science but not too complicated.  It is typically about 3/4 cup per egg, but since not all eggs are created equal, I just add flower until it starts to ball up.  It should start to pull off the sides of the bowl and slide around, but still be a bit sticky.

Once mixed, the dough should be slightly sticky where it will hold a shape but stick to your hands like below.  Make sure to put some flour on your counter and take the mixed dough out and put it on your counter on your flour to get ready to roll it out.

Now you need to roll it into a ball and get a good coating of flour on the outside so it doesn't stick to your rolling pin.

2. Roll The Dough
Now you can just roll this sucker out into a sheet about 1/8 in thick.  Be sure to keep enough flour on you counter and dough so it doesn't stick.

Once you have it rolled into a sheet you need to cut it into strips about 6 in wide using a pizza cutter to get ready to use your noodle cutter.

3. Cut The Dough Into Noodles
Ok, so to easily make the noodles, get yourself a noodle cutter.  They are supper helpful and make the perfect noodle.  You just roll it along the short direction of your strips and cut them into noodles.

You can just gather all the noodles as you cut them and put them in a bowl with flour to keep them out of the way while you cut the other strips.

Once you cut them all up, it's best to put them back onto the counter and spread them out to dry for an hour or so.  This step is not critical and can be skipped if you don't want to wait, but helps them be a bit more firm when cooking. After that they are ready to add to your favorite soup.

4. Cook The Noodles
You can simply heat up your favorite soup and add these in.  Once your soup is hot and boiling it only takes a few mins to cook these noodles.  

I like to add them to chicken broth with shredded chicken and thicken it to a gravy.  Then pour that over mashed potatoes.  It's amazing and perhaps I will do one of my next tasty Tuesdays on how to make the chicken noodle gravy over mashed potatoes using these home made noodles.



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